Eastern Europe

Most women who work in the Red Light District are from Eastern Europe and especially from Romania. The driving force to work as a prostitute is usually poverty. By working this way, these women can take care of their families back home. In this situation, the word “pimp” is not necessarily someone from the criminal circuit. It may be the husband, father or brother of a woman working in the Netherlands who keeps her into prostitution!

Bright Fame is working together with organizations in Romania. Where possible, we are committed to  letthe women return to Romania and to find other work there. This is not easy. Bright Fame needs help and support with this, for example from (Christian) business people who are willing to set up a project or to invest in an already existing project.

In Moldova, a country far away from the Netherlands and at the border of Russia, Bright Fame performs work similar to that in Romania. In Moldova, there is a Christian organization committed to getting women out of prostitution, taking care of them and helping them to find other work. In addition, they provide information about sexuality and about (the dangers of) prostitution. This organization has good links with local churches and municipalities. Frits Rouvoet has been asked to provide input on behalf of Bright Fame. He has done this several times.

In addition to Romania and Moldova, we have contacts in Hungary, Bulgaria and Albania. We speak for pastors, the police, churches, prisons, the army, the Romanian parliament and everywhere else we are invited. We do this because we want to create awareness among the population of those countries. Women who work in prostitution are often seen as bad, criminal women. There is no eye for the reasons that has brought the woman in this vulnerable position.

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